AI 生成的摘要
5、关于交易所,A计划是在一家人尽皆知的一线交易所上市,但该交易所正在受到sec监管的审查,当然还有B计划、所有计划都是在一线交易所上线,确保成功 TGE。
说话人 2 02:48
Okay, we see that more and more people are joining in. We're super excited to see you guys. Welcome everybody. My name is julia. I'm the community manager here at ward. Please welcome our work foundation chairman mike to the stage to say hi to all of you.
说话人 3 03:16
Today is because of all the. Hello. Can you hear me? Yes.
说话人 2 03:39
now, but not from the beginning. I think you were cutting off a little. But you're good afternoon.
说话人 3 03:44
My mic muted. I was just basically let everyone know that I wanted to thank everyone for joining us today, whether it it's night time for more for you, that this is make sure that we are all on the same page that you all are properly caught up with everything that's taking place.
But I know most times tweet or a text can be misconstrued to understand. And that's one of the reasons and want to make sure we do monthly am as. So you all can ask me any questions that you have and then also。
但我知道大多数时候,推特或短信可能会被误解。这就是原因之一,我想确保我们每个月都做 AMA。所以你们都可以问我任何问题。
说话人 4 04:37
earth to。
说话人 3 04:38
clarify and to have what is it about the industry? Maybe one of our main asks. So there's a lot as police. At the moment, I just want to remind at t 22 peculiar year for february over 20,000 projects failed. Now, on a logic that were what we thought blue chip failed. And that caused a major bear market with institutional scrutiny. Now, as far as original fan is in the end, tension put through, but were most likely headed into a depression.
澄清并了解该行业的情况?也许我们的一个主要问题,我只想提醒大家,在 2022 年,超过 20,000 个项目失败了。现在,根据我们认为蓝筹股失败。这导致了机构审查的大熊市。现在,就最初的粉丝而言,紧张情绪已经结束,但我们很可能会陷入萧条。
Now, on earth side, in a long term, and as long term builders, everything that we're doing is always going to be for the benefit benefit of our project, the community, the ecosystem as a whole. So we are always keeping our eye on the trends market. Right now is very dynamic. And there's a lot to update you all on. So I just wanted to share a little bit of that background before we get started and jump into things. I'm glad that you all are here, joining us right now, because there's a lot to discuss. I think we can kick things off. So wonderful. Start with partnerships that org has been working on. So just recently, we will be wrapping up our campaign with walking is a nft walk to earn gaming project developed by traditional gamers that boasts a little over 3 million users. 650,000 of them are active monthly. 250,000 are active, daily. There was much synergy within the walk in and ort campaign, because as foundation chair, my goal is to find companies and also endorse potential projects, founders that can also build on ort, this relationship here.
现在,在地球方面,从长远来看,作为长期的建设者,我们所做的一切都是为了我们的项目、社区和整个生态系统的利益。所以我们一直在关注市场的趋势。现在是非常动态的。有很多事情要告诉你们。所以在我们开始之前,我想分享一些背景知识。我很高兴你们都在这里,现在加入我们,因为有很多要讨论的。我想我们可以开始了。太棒了。从 Org 一直致力于的合作伙伴关系开始。因此,就在最近,我们将以 Walking 结束我们的活动,这是一个由传统玩家开发的 NFT Walk To Earn 游戏项目,该项目拥有 300 多万用户。其中 65 万人每月都很活跃。每天有 250,000 人活跃。在步行和 ORT 活动中有很多协同作用,因为作为基金会主席,我的目标是找到公司,并支持潜在的项目,创始人也可以建立在 ORT 的基础上,在这里建立这种关系。
But in the hotel workings and because the body in gaming development. And I believe that actually, I should preface that as we believe, that they would make good partners on the ort network, games and products. So that's one of the updates on the walk in collaboration, which the campaign ended. Yesterday, the 28th of june, the winners have received emails. If you participated in that campaign, we secured 100 winners, and you should have received an email updating you of what you have won. So that was a tremendous, I think, collaboration, because that just got our feet with in the potential partnership moving forward, which is going to be much more on a long term growth.
但在酒店工作,因为身体在游戏中发展。我相信,实际上,我应该首先说,正如我们所相信的,他们将成为 ORT 网络、游戏和产品的良好合作伙伴。所以这是关于步行合作的更新之一,活动结束了。昨天,6 月 28 日,获奖者收到了电子邮件。如果您参加了该活动,我们将获得 100 名获奖者,并且您应该已经收到一封电子邮件,更新您的获奖情况。所以我认为,这是一次巨大的合作,因为这让我们在潜在的合作伙伴关系中站稳了脚跟,这将是一个长期的增长。
Now, julia, do you want to touch base on? Get averse?
说话人 2 10:03
Yes, I i'd love to. And also mike, I think your audio is in and out. There were sometimes people we couldn't hear you.
So I tell everybody about get worse. Can you try and check your internet connection for us that amazing if you can hear you very clearly from for the remainder of the session. I'll talk a bit about our new partner get overs. This new partnership is secured by our amazing business development team, and just a little intro of on getters. So they are a pioneer in building a block chain society. They focus on decentralizing user identities and establishing did identity, credit management standards. They have developed an innovative credit evaluation model using block chain data. Our partnership with get a verse is a natural fit due to the shared goals of data, privacy, security, and decentralized technology. Together, we aim to make the id technology universal while enhancing digital identity and develop a robust virtual social trust system. We believe that this collaboration will not only but the adoption of web three, but it will also aid the shift to an era of moderate adapts.
所以我告诉大家要变得更糟。你能试着为我们检查一下你的互联网连接吗?如果你能在会议的剩余时间里非常清楚地听到你的声音,那就太棒了。我会谈一谈我们的新搭档。这个新的合作伙伴关系是由我们出色的业务开发团队确保的,这只是对 Getters 的一个小介绍。所以他们是构建区块链社会的先行者。他们专注于分散用户身份和建立 DID 身份,信用管理标准。他们利用区块链数据开发了一种创新的信用评估模型。由于数据、隐私、安全和分散技术的共同目标,我们与 Get A Verse 的合作是天作之合。我们的共同目标是在增强数字身份的同时实现身份识别技术的普及,并开发一个强大的虚拟社会信任系统。我们相信,这种合作不仅将采用 WebThree,而且还将有助于向适度适应的时代转变。
Ultimately, with this partnership in mind, we will be one step closer to provide. Are you? Okay?
说话人 3 11:52
I just finished drinking some water, went down the wrong pipe, but i'm glad you can hear me now. Yeah.
说话人 2 11:59
very clearly, that's amazing. Ultimately, with this partnership were one step closer to providing unparalleled privacy is and cost efficiency in data storage and or anticipating a transformative journey ahead. Now, we have another very important milestone, if you would. It's about our collaboration with the b and b chain. Mike, would you care to lead us into this amazing news? Definitely.
很明显,这是惊人的。最终,通过这一合作关系,我们离提供无与伦比的隐私和数据存储的成本效益和 / 或预期未来的变革之旅更近了一步。现在,我们有另一个非常重要的里程碑,如果你愿意的话。这是关于我们与 BnB 连锁店的合作。迈克,你能告诉我们这个惊人的消息吗?肯定的。
说话人 3 12:35
So what? I'm I i'm not sure if you already able to hear much of what I said. If you can give me a thumbs up, if I need to repeat much of what I said, or if I should just continue with our next partnership, I believe I was in and out.
And now ii think everyone can hear me now. Yes.
说话人 2 13:08
loud and clear now.
说话人 3 13:09
loud and clear because I was not connected to my wifi. So wonderful. Now continuing with regards to b and b chain, we all know that this is one of the most, I say, mature and leading chains in the industry. And on orchard, our goal is to partner with provide solutions for blue chip enterprise, sm es, which are small medium enterprises, companies that are have a very strong name rooted in web three and then also web two.
声音很大很清晰,因为我没有连接到我的 WiFi。太棒了。现在继续关于 BnB 连锁,我们都知道这是行业中最成熟和领先的连锁之一。我们的目标是与合作伙伴合作,为蓝筹企业提供解决方案,这些企业都是中小型企业,这些公司都有一个非常强大的名字,植根于 Web3,然后也植根于 Web2。
So that's been our main focus now with regards to this partnership that we have with b and b chain is phenomenal, because we are now a certified cloud service provider on this chain for builders that are creating projects on b and b we are right next to the aws which is giant. I believe that this adds a lot of validity to our project what we are building. And then also, it gets us a little bit more exposure. So potential clients can utilize our cloud service are storage and data solutions, which we're building quite ai would say, a an array of robust offerings for companies that are at different vertical in need of that are different vertical. I should say they can utilize ort for many of their necessary just build out.
所以这是我们现在的主要关注点,我们与 BnB Chain 的合作伙伴关系是非凡的,因为我们现在是这个链上的认证云服务提供商,为在 BnB 上创建项目的建筑商提供服务,我们就在 AWS 旁边,这是一个巨大的。我相信这为我们正在建设的项目增加了很多有效性。然后,它也让我们得到了更多的曝光。因此,可以利用我们的云服务的潜在客户是存储和数据解决方案,我们正在构建人工智能可以说,为不同垂直行业的公司提供一系列强大的产品。我应该说,他们可以利用 oORT 来进行许多必要的扩建。
So this, I think, was one of the first steps in solidifying the potential for ort. As far as b and b chain. We are all pretty familiar if you've been in web three crypto that this is a significant achievement. So we're very happy about that. This also aids in or its mission to accelerate the adoption of decentralized network power, cloud infrastructure. It strengthens our commitment to the evolving web three ecosystem starting out with a chain like b and b so currently, we will be offering the exclusive 20 % discount on our data cloud services for all b and b chain ecosystem projects, which we'll illustrate our belief in the power of collaboration and our commitment to the growth of the web three community.
因此,我认为,这是巩固 ORT 潜力的第一步。至于 BnB 链。我们都非常熟悉,如果你在网络三加密,这是一个重大的成就。所以我们对此感到非常高兴。这也有助于或其使命,以加快采用分散的网络电源,云基础设施。它加强了我们对不断发展的 Web Three 生态系统的承诺,从像 BnB 这样的链开始,所以目前,我们将为所有 B&B 链生态系统项目的数据云服务提供 20% 的独家折扣。我们将展示我们对协作力量的信念,以及我们对 Web3 社区发展的承诺。
We do also believe that our commitment to b and b chain, the initiatives are beyond this offer. So you would think of this, once again, as low hanging fruit, and just a starting point of what this potential could be. But nonetheless, it helps us with focusing on our provision of co marketing and ecosystem support and bolsters b and b's initiative, b and b chains initiative, which solidifies our shared vision for a successful future. So we're really excited about this. We're excited about our partnership with walk in what that potentially would mean for ecosystem, for both ecosystems. And we're also excited about get averse. There's so much that we've been doing behind the scenes that a text or tweet really doesn't portray enough. However, that's the reason why we believe am as moving forward on a monthly basis is going to be very helpful in conveying a lot of what we've been doing behind the scenes.
我们也相信我们对 BnB 连锁的承诺,这些举措都超越了这个报价。所以你会再一次认为这是唾手可得的果实,只是这个潜力的一个起点。但尽管如此,它帮助我们专注于我们提供的联合营销和生态系统支持,并支持 BnB 的倡议,BnB 链倡议,这巩固了我们对成功未来的共同愿景。所以我们对此感到非常兴奋。我们很高兴能与 Walk 合作,这对生态系统和两个生态系统都有潜在意义。我们也对 Get Averse 感到兴奋。我们在幕后所做的事情太多了,以至于一条短信或推文都不足以描绘。然而,这就是为什么我们相信每月向前推进的原因,这将非常有助于传达我们在幕后所做的许多事情。
Now, continuing, I i'm hearing that I was out in and out earlier, just wanted to shear that last year. We've been in crypto, web three for years. I think 2022 was one of the most devastating years. Four, web three projects, as I was saying earlier, over 20,000 projects died. During 2022. Some of them were blue chip. We all thought they were thriving companies. However, cause of the failure that took place, and I would call it exceptional and i'm sure everyone in those companies were doing their best to try to add value to the ecosystem, but mistakes happen. Nonetheless, because of that, web three, crypto went into a beer market. Not only that. On the traditional side, we are pundits, I should say, calling for recession. However, because globally we've been a lockdown for close to 3 years. Imagine let me put this and as lehmans as possible, imagine owning a company, locking down your company for a year or 2 years or 3 years, and that company was thriving before for, let's say it's a company that was generations old.
现在,继续,我听说我早些时候出去了,去年只是想剪掉它。多年来我们一直在加密,网络三。我认为 2022 年是最具破坏性的一年。第四,网络三个项目,正如我之前所说,超过 20,000 个项目死亡。2022 年期间。其中一些是蓝筹股。我们都认为他们是蓬勃发展的公司。然而,失败的原因,我会称之为例外,我相信这些公司的每个人都在尽最大努力为生态系统增加价值,但错误还是发生了。尽管如此,正因为如此,网络三,加密进入了啤酒市场。不仅如此。在传统方面,我应该说,我们是专家,呼吁经济衰退。然而,因为在全球范围内,我们已经被封锁了近 3 年。想象一下,让我尽可能地把这个和雷曼兄弟,想象一下拥有一家公司,锁定你的公司一年或两年或三年,而这家公司之前是蓬勃发展的,让我们说这是一家有几代历史的公司。
And now try to kick start that company again. You will have a hard time. Now, that's on a local level. Imagine state level, imagine nationwide and then globally. So it's gonna be hard to kick, start the economy moving forward. And we're seeing a lot of that in the macro environment, when we look at what's taking place with traditional finance. However, this is creating a massive opportunity for web three companies, because digitalization is happening at rapid speed. A lot of our, I would say, pass in twenty, nineteen, the well covet post covet, let's say, before covet was a bit antiquated. Now, moving forward, there's been expeditious upgrades into the way we do business. And that's where ort has been sitting in the middle scaling in the background, in the midst of this amazingly dynamic market. We are making partnerships or forming partnerships in building out products that are actually being used by these partners and adding more validity to what we're doing.
现在试着重新启动公司。你的日子会很艰难。现在,这是在地方一级。想象一下州一级,想象一下全国,然后是全球。所以很难推动经济向前发展。当我们观察传统金融发生的事情时,我们在宏观环境中看到了很多这样的情况。然而,这为 Web3 公司创造了巨大的机会,因为数字化正在快速发生。我们的很多人,我想说,在 20,19 岁时,在 Covet 之后,让我们说,在 Covet 有点过时之前。现在,向前看,我们做生意的方式已经迅速升级。这就是在这个令人惊讶的充满活力的市场中,oORT 一直坐在后台的中间位置。我们正在建立合作伙伴关系或形成合作伙伴关系,以构建这些合作伙伴实际使用的产品,并为我们正在做的事情增加更多的有效性。
This now makes us jump into the meat of the discussion why we wanted to make sure we had this ama as well, which is the main net launch and postponing the olympus.
现在这让我们跳进了讨论的内容,为什么我们要确保我们也有这个 AMA,这是主要的网络发射和推迟奥林巴斯。
Now that we saw as a necessity, even though tech is ready, where ready to open source, the main net code, including the browser. And that should be happening, I would say, in july. And as far as the development, all of that has been on pace, we've been on target. However, as i've just shared, this market has been a challenge to many companies in the web three space, not to mention the additional scrutiny from regulators. Now, that's taking place because of all that happened in 2022. So this has become a very, I guess you would call it aa challenging time for builders in web three as you walk on egg shells at times. But then also making sure that you are building at a massive pace, because this is the opportunity comes during the bear market. When I call them tourists leave, however, the builders stay and create value, add products that in the bull market are going to be the winners. And that is what we're establishing at ort.
现在我们认为这是必要的,即使技术已经准备好,准备开源,主要的网络代码,包括浏览器。我想说,这应该会在 7 月发生。就发展而言,所有这些都在进展中,我们一直在朝着目标前进。然而,正如我刚才所分享的,这个市场对 WebThree 领域的许多公司来说是一个挑战,更不用说来自监管机构的额外审查了。现在,这是因为 2022 年发生的一切。所以这已经成为一个非常,我猜你会称之为网络 3 的建设者的挑战时刻,因为你有时在蛋壳上行走。但也要确保你正在以巨大的步伐建设,因为这是熊市中的机会。然而,当我称他们为游客离开时,建筑商留下来创造价值,增加在牛市中将成为赢家的产品。这就是我们在 oORT 建立的。
Now, as I have shared earlier, about the main net postponement, definitely something that we have been just debating, because everything was ready to go, ready to ship. However, it has been one of the most challenging markets that we have seen in a long time. If you've been in crypto or web three, I think we can all agree on that. Because of 2022, once again. However, we have now secured a massive partnership with a huge web two company. This is going to be the first company that's gonna be utilizing our new product, which is our ort chat bot, which is ai infused. And we are going to start a proof of concept in the next coming weeks. We've held off on sharing the name. The reason being, we don't want the same thing that happened with dell to happen here. Again, our goal is to make sure our community is confident in our ability to deliver. And we're dealing with monolithic companies.
现在,正如我早些时候所分享的,关于主要的网络延期,肯定是我们一直在争论的事情,因为一切都准备好了,准备好了。然而,这是我们在很长一段时间内看到的最具挑战性的市场之一。如果你一直在加密或网络三,我想我们都同意这一点。因为 2022 年,再一次。然而,我们现在已经与一家大型 Web2 公司建立了大规模的合作伙伴关系。这将是第一家使用我们的新产品的公司,这是我们的 oORT 聊天机器人,它是人工智能注入的。我们将在接下来的几周内开始概念验证。我们已经推迟了分享这个名字。原因是,我们不希望发生在戴尔身上的同样的事情在这里发生。同样,我们的目标是确保我们的社区对我们的交付能力充满信心。我们面对的是铁板一块的公司。
There's a bit of bureaucracy that takes place with the del partnership that is still live. However, there is a backend challenge that we are waiting on to actually be fixed. So we can get this shipped. And our first strategic partnership could take place. However, the way things are looking, maybe this next partner is it could potentially be ahead of our del announcement, which for us is fantastic, because del makes a great partner. This partner, you'll see in the short term future, is also another strong partnership. We've been building a pipeline of partnerships, and while at the same time, being very careful in cognizant of being able to get the partnerships out like the actual product collaboration out before we make any announcement because we have learned from the dull situation which gave us egg on our face for the community.
DEL 的合作伙伴关系仍然存在一些官僚作风。然而,有一个后端挑战,我们正在等待实际修复。这样我们就能把这个运走了。我们的第一个战略伙伴关系可能会发生。然而,从目前的情况来看,也许下一个合作伙伴可能会在我们宣布德尔之前,这对我们来说太棒了,因为德尔是一个很好的合作伙伴。这个合作伙伴,你将在短期内看到,也是另一个强大的合作伙伴关系。我们一直在建立合作伙伴关系的渠道,同时,我们非常谨慎地认识到,在我们发表任何声明之前,能够像实际的产品合作一样建立合作伙伴关系,因为我们已经从沉闷的情况中吸取了教训,这让我们对社区感到震惊。
And I don't know about you all, but we don't like the taste of egg on our face. So we are moving very meticulous with our delivery. Anyways, continuing. I believe i've already shared that the tech is ready for a main net. And the open source of the main net will be taken place shortly. I believe it could happen next week. However, i'm one to under promise over deliver. I would say sometime in july, we are still hoping and working diligently to actually get this launch of the main net to take place before q four.
我不知道你们怎么想,但我们不喜欢脸上有鸡蛋的味道。因此,我们在交付方面非常谨慎。不管怎样,继续。我相信我已经分享了技术已经准备好了一个主网。主网的开源即将进行。我相信这可能发生在下周。然而,我是一个承诺过少而兑现过多的人。我想说的是,在 7 月的某个时候,我们仍然希望并努力工作,以便在第四季度之前真正推出主网。
Now, the focus that we've really been on what has taken priority at the moment is launching this new product with this new partner, which is going to be generating revenue. Those revenues are gonna be very value add to our token. When we do list.
there's been much work on our end to make sure that organs, you all can be confident in what we're building, and then also gain garner as much exposure in the mature cloud space as we've been building real products that are set to generate real revenue.
You should see that very shortly. I would say, before the end of the year, our goal is to have two major launch or product launch with two major companies that being said. I believe that should have answered the main net launch postponement. But i'm sure there will be questions afterwards. So.
说话人 5 29:03
说话人 3 29:04
do you want to pick up on the ort ear drop and our super mean contest?
你想参加 ORT 滴耳液和我们的超级刻薄比赛吗?
说话人 2 29:12
Yes, thank you, mike, for your very thorough explanation and the reassurance art. All of our community members here, i'm sure that with his explanation, everybody will be more on the same page with us now. So I have some exciting news for you all. We not long ago, i'm sure you'll remember we did a word airdrop.
说话人 5 29:37
说话人 2 29:38
in this airdrop, we are awarding our committee members who came into the top 30 % ccna token and the exclusive word batch that symbolizes different privileges within the world ecosystem.
在这次空投中,我们将奖励进入前 30% CCNA 代币的委员会成员,以及象征世界生态系统中不同特权的独家文字批次。
Now we have five variation of these batches, and they each symbolize a different power. We have finished distributing all of our rewards and badges as of this morning. Check your l wallet should be your as crayons network. If you didn't get it, don't worry because we're starting phase two, which is the opportunity for you all to exchange badges amongst yourselves。through over the counter, starting from july.
现在我们有五种不同的批次,每一种都象征着不同的力量。到今天早上为止,我们已经完成了所有奖励和徽章的分发工作。检查你的 L 钱包应该是你的蜡笔网络。如果你没有得到它,不要担心,因为我们正在开始第二阶段,这是你们所有人之间交换徽章的机会。通过柜台,从 7 月开始。
And till 3 months later, if you can collect all five variations of the or badge, you will be rewarded of 1,000 word tokens by them. Yeah. Everybody, after the score, please check your out wallet. And there might be a surprise for you. We are also wrapping up our supreme contest. So this contest is being a really fun journey for us. We partners up with supreme ai and decided to have you guys create means on artificial intelligence.
直到 3 个月后,如果你能收集到所有五种不同的 OR 徽章,你将获得 1000 个单词代币的奖励。是啊。各位,比赛结束后,请检查你的钱包。可能会有惊喜给你。我们也结束了我们的最高比赛。所以这次比赛对我们来说是一次非常有趣的旅程。我们与 Supreme AI 合作,并决定让你们在人工智能上创造手段。
Today is june 29th, so that means today is the last day for voting for the ai related. This vote is penned in our twitter profile, and we will also be sharing the link to this here in the pillar space thread. For the price of the top five means we are giving out a 50 usd amazon gift card to the first place winner and second place, third place. And up until the 5th place, you will be getting ccna tokens from respectively, 1980, seventy ~ 60. This is the amount that's perfect for starting or expanding your to a portfolio with the artist ecosystem.
今天是 6 月 29 日,所以这意味着今天是人工智能相关投票的最后一天。这个投票是写在我们的 Twitter 个人资料中的,我们也将在这里的 Pillar Space 主题中分享这个链接。前五名的价格意味着我们将向第一名、第二名和第三名赠送 50 美元的亚马逊礼品卡。在第五名之前,您将分别获得 1980、70~60 年的 CCNA 代币。这是启动或扩展您的艺术家生态系统投资组合的完美金额。
So every vote counts. Let's vote for the best meme and make the best meme win.
I believe that's the entirety of my update from the community. And we would now like to open the floor to some q and as is there anybody in the audience that would like to post some questions for mike or myself? If so, please reach your raise your hand and we will invite you on the floor. If you are shy, however, you can also comment directly under our tweet for this twitter space or message us in the telegram groups. We will be able to see it.
First question that i've received, this is something that everybody in the community is very curious about. So, mike, you previously treated that the mainland will likely be launched in the 4th quarter of 2023. So our community wants to know whether you can guarantee that it will be launched by then, because there has been some sentiments in the group chats about the delay of our main.
我收到的第一个问题是,这是社区中每个人都非常好奇的事情。所以,迈克,你之前说大陆可能会在 2023 年第四季度发射。所以我们的社区想知道你是否能保证它会在那时推出,因为在群聊中有一些关于我们主要的延迟的情绪。
In that lunch.
说话人 3 33:56
I think that's a fair question. As I shared earlier. Tech is ready. We are about to open source. The main net code, including the browser is also ready. So what we are looking at is definitely a buyer before, q four, as I shared before, that I prefer to under promise and over deliver. I would rather say q 420, 23, then say something earlier and then be delayed.
我认为这是一个合理的问题。正如我之前分享的。技术人员准备好了。我们即将开源。主要的网络代码,包括浏览器也准备好了。所以我们正在寻找的肯定是之前的买家,Q4,正如我之前分享的,我更喜欢承诺不足和过度交付。我宁愿说 Q420,23,然后早一点说,然后被推迟。
However, saying latter part of the year and then launching before that, I think is much sexier. Wouldn't you agree?
说话人 2 34:47
说话人 6 34:47
sounds good.
说话人 2 34:51
So moving on to our next question. What is the anticipated timeline for implementing the co marketing and ecosystem support with the bnb chain? And when can projects on b and b chain, expect to start leveraging words resources?
现在进入下一个问题。与 BNB 连锁店实施联合营销和生态系统支持的预期时间表是什么?B&B 链上的项目什么时候可以开始利用文字资源?
说话人 3 35:10
We are currently listed on the b and b chain.
我们目前在 B&B 连锁店上市。
说话人 6 35:14
说话人 3 35:16
if you go to the kick start program.
if you're a developer, you're building your project. What three projects that are building on b and b can begin utilizing our products. We are offering a 20 % discount as well. I think the uptake is more what we're looking for, because we're competing with aws。
如果您是一名开发人员,您正在构建您的项目。在 B 和 B 上构建的三个项目可以开始使用我们的产品。我们也提供八折优惠。我认为这更符合我们的期望,因为我们正在与 AWS 竞争。
说话人 6 35:48
说话人 3 35:50
understand that aws is a hyper scalar. It's not web three. However.
了解 AWS 是一个超标量。不是网络三。然而。
说话人 6 35:57
we are providing the same。
说话人 3 36:03
solutions at a web three。
value add and much affordable pricing.
So I think that you should, if you're building right now, go give us a shot, try it out. And let us know we want to get as many ordinance as possible participating in utilizing our products are suite of products. I think you can reach out to julia myself if you want to find out how to do so. Because we want your feedback, we want your active, proactive feedback. I think that as a community that helps to make our ecosystem much stronger.
So as I share about these partnerships, our community were hoping will be able to understand and actually give more of aaaa confident confirmation when we do say we are launching these products with these companies.
因此,当我分享这些合作伙伴关系时,我们的社区希望能够理解,并在我们说我们正在与这些公司推出这些产品时,给予更多的 AAAA 信心确认。
说话人 6 37:19
It is。
说话人 3 37:21
more so to those companies using our products, but then also to get our community also utilizing our products. And if you're interested just reach out to us, we're here to help. But we do appreciate your feedback. Thank you.
说话人 2 37:39
mike, for the answer.
Our next question is still on the b and b chain. What are words long term vision and goals for their partnership with the b and b chain? And how do they vision this collaboration to be shaping the future of the block chain technology? What milestones do we hope to achieve together?
我们的下一个问题仍然是关于 B 和 B 链。他们与 B&B 连锁店合作的长期愿景和目标是什么?他们如何看待这种合作将塑造区块链技术的未来?我们希望共同实现哪些里程碑?
说话人 3 38:04
We are hoping to be one of b and b's。
我们希望成为 B&B 的一员。
preferred cloud service providers.
And then also to utilize our other suite of products, including our ai chat bot, which we think is prescient a bit ahead of the space, because it also has web three elements tied in. The chat bot actually works on top of our infrastructure, which brings privacy to just these companies and users. We believe that this should be a walk or actually crawl, walk, run relationship. As you see, the first product we're lodging with is the cloud storage. And as that continues to perform, well, we are gonna scale into our suite of offerings. This could be potentially a strong partnership down the road. We do see much value in b and b and its ecosystem. And likewise, our ecosystem and integrating into a collaboration of mutually beneficial, collaborative essence.
然后也利用我们的其他产品套件,包括我们的人工智能聊天机器人,我们认为这是有先见之明的空间,因为它也有网络三要素捆绑在一起。聊天机器人实际上在我们的基础设施之上工作,这为这些公司和用户带来了隐私。我们认为,这应该是一种步行或实际上是爬行、步行、跑步的关系。正如您所看到的,我们使用的第一个产品是云存储。随着它继续发挥作用,我们将扩展到我们的产品套件中。这可能是一个潜在的强大的合作伙伴关系的道路。我们确实在 B&B 及其生态系统中看到了很多价值。同样,我们的生态系统和整合成为一个互惠互利的合作,合作的本质。
As far as milestones, I believe, as I said earlier, crawl, walk, run. We want as many b and b chain users are builders to start utilizing our cloud service. As that uptake takes place, then we can integrate more offerings. But for now, the milestone would be the uptake on the cloud service that will be providing next to aws。
至于里程碑,我相信,正如我之前所说的,爬,走,跑。我们希望尽可能多的 B 和 B 链用户开始使用我们的云服务。随着这种吸收的发生,我们可以集成更多的产品。但就目前而言,里程碑将是在 AWS 旁边提供的云服务的采用。
说话人 2 40:18
thank you, mike, for this. And sharp. And ii see that you've raised your hand, do you have any questions that you want to ask? Mike directly?
说话人 4 40:28
Hello, mike, hello, julia, shit.
说话人 3 40:32
说话人 4 40:32
How are you? Mike?
说话人 3 40:35
I'm doing. All right. Iii cannot complain. I disappeared for a couple of days because I was celebrating my 40th birthday.
我在做。好吧。我不能抱怨。我消失了几天,因为我在庆祝 40 岁生日。
说话人 4 40:43
Happy birthday. So i'm happy to present new questions today for you. So wonderful where i'm currently looking for is a way to expand the company woods.
Of course, all the people who believe in wood are eagerly awaiting new partnerships from around the world. So, but what matter to me right now is europe and africa. Let me share with you some of the laws that my handle the progress and developments of some companies like earth. For example, in some african countries, there are allows that seem to be a barrier for some companies like urge. I know some a situation that and the companies that are in this spirits need of good services. But their problem is sometimes legal or due to a lack of trust in foreign companies. I have sat at the discussion table with many officials, and it's amazing that they want poor services and say that schools provides a great solution. But however, for some reason, they are hesitant about foreign companies.
当然,所有相信伍德的人都在热切地等待着来自世界各地的新伙伴。所以,现在对我来说最重要的是欧洲和非洲。让我和你分享一些我处理像地球这样的公司的进步和发展的法律。例如,在一些非洲国家,有些许可似乎对一些像 Urge 这样的公司来说是一种障碍。我知道一些情况,在这种情况下,公司需要良好的服务。但他们的问题有时是法律上的,或者是由于对外国公司缺乏信任。我和许多官员坐在一起讨论,令人惊讶的是,他们想要糟糕的服务,并说学校提供了一个很好的解决方案。然而,出于某种原因,他们对外国公司犹豫不决。
So my question is, how will woods deal with this situation? How do we make companies and governments situation, especially those in africa, trust, would knowing that africa as as a world needs these services, but it is only wage in for the player who can win. So perhaps we need to look of the problem from different angles to understand these companies based in africa and south and west europe. Because we all know that understanding the problem will create the solution for us.
Thank you, mike.
说话人 3 43:01
Thank you. For being, I think this is a very proactive question and completely agree with you. This has been in my frontal lobe for quite some time, and also my partners as well. What we've been doing is actually reaching out to location specific ambassadors that would be able to assist us in the knowledge that we would lack in those specific regions. So we can actually work together to provide our product services to the people in each of these emerging continents, or excuse me, emerging markets. The african continent is massive with what over 54 countries.
谢谢。我认为这是一个非常积极主动的问题,我完全同意你的观点。这已经在我的额叶里很长一段时间了,我的伙伴们也是。我们一直在做的实际上是接触特定地区的大使,他们将能够帮助我们了解我们在这些特定地区所缺乏的知识。因此,我们实际上可以共同努力,为这些新兴大陆,或者不好意思,新兴市场的人们提供我们的产品服务。非洲大陆幅员辽阔,有超过 54 个国家。
Once again, there that just highlights that each country on that continent is going to have their own policy that we're going to have to be able to understand before we can actually integrate. I know, on the mena region side, we've been in some really strong discussions with potential partners there. The main, I would say, concern for them is that data doesn't leave their country. That is something that we are able to provide. We are actually looking at ways to expand organically by building teams of ambassadors, for each of these locations that we believe are going to be imperative for aught to establish in to answer your question, we are on the same page. This is going to be much more of a long term approach, because there's going to be a lot of travel involved, a lot of conversation involved, and then also picking sourcing the right ambassador for each of these regions. Does that answer your question? Mike.
说话人 4 45:36
thank you so much.
说话人 3 45:37
You're very welcome. Happy to answer that. Any further questions from the community?
说话人 2 45:45
I've got a sharp one Because of the previous statement that we release regarding the main net postponement, we did say that we're currently looking into the regulatory issues that some of the listening partners are facing. Potential listening partners, excuse me, our community wants to know if we're planning to use finance for our ico。
我有一个尖锐的问题,因为我们之前发布的关于主要网络延期的声明,我们确实说过,我们目前正在调查一些倾听合作伙伴面临的监管问题。潜在的倾听伙伴,不好意思,我们的社区想知道我们是否计划将资金用于我们的 ICO。
说话人 3 46:17
thanks for the question, just. So we're all on the same page. We will not be doing an ico we will not be doing an ico ic os have been basically banned for some time now. And especially being that our jurisdiction won't allow that, we have stayed far from that.
谢谢你的问题只是。所以我们都在同一页上。我们不会做 ICO,我们不会做 ICO,现在基本上已经禁止了一段时间。特别是在我们的管辖范围内不允许这样做的情况下,我们一直远离这一点。
However, as far as our exchange listing partners, we have been in countless amazing discussions. Things are moving pretty swiftly. However, the regulatory climate has stifled, if not muffled some of the conversation, because now we all have to watch what the outcomes are going to be. There was also another exchange just this week that also went under regulator scrutiny.
We have plan a bcdne established internally. And our plan a is aa reputable, very reputable exchange that everyone on this call knows. But I can't say, I believe once again, because of our experience with what took place with del, we will refrain from sharing any names.
我们计划在内部建立一个 BCDNE。我们的 A 计划是一家信誉良好的交易所,这次通话中的每个人都知道。但我不能说,我再一次相信,由于我们与德尔发生的事情的经验,我们将避免分享任何名字。
However, I think you all are gonna be very proud and happy with what we have planned. Our goal is we see work as a long term project. We see or the kings as long term value. So we want to make sure you all feel confident about that with our approach. And i'm glad that you all do understand how dynamic this market is. This market, I you wake up tomorrow and it's a completely different market. You go to sleep that same day. You wake up to something, get out that you have no clue why it happened. But that's where we are with regulators at the moment. Hopefully, they are going to be working a little closer with web three founders. So they can understand a little bit more of the solutions that we are providing. For convenience. I know web three is a bit disruptive, and that's a bit hard to stomach. However, it's all about the value add that's being provided, and that's what makes or such a top tier, if not, gold standard are offering.
然而,我想你们都会对我们的计划感到非常自豪和高兴。我们的目标是将工作视为一个长期项目。我们把国王视为长期价值。因此,我们希望确保大家对我们的方法充满信心。我很高兴你们都明白这个市场是多么充满活力。这个市场,如果你明天醒来,它是一个完全不同的市场。你当天就去睡觉。你醒来时发现了一些事情,然后说你不知道为什么会发生。但这就是我们目前与监管机构的关系。希望他们能与三位创始人更紧密地合作。所以他们可以更多地了解我们提供的解决方案。为了方便。我知道 Web3 有点破坏性,这有点让人难以接受。然而,这一切都是关于所提供的增值,这是什么使或这样的顶级,如果不是,黄金标准提供。
So we are in talks with tier ones. It's going very well. No names can be shared at the moment, but I believe that you all will be happy with the way we are approaching this. As this market is very dynamic. And we've created many contingency plans to make sure that this is a successful tge。
所以我们正在与一线公司谈判。进展得很顺利。目前没有名字可以分享,但我相信你们都会对我们处理这件事的方式感到高兴。因为这个市场非常活跃。我们已经制定了许多应急计划,以确保这是一次成功的 TGE。
说话人 2 50:09
thank you, mike. For this answer, i'm sure that our community will be happy to hear this. So we have a more specific question. Iii will take this one. Someone asked in our telegram chat that what was the specific logistics of swapping the world? Air drop badges. And so to view your word air drop badges, simply open your l wallet and make sure that you are on. In fact, in the as crayons wallet, there are two taps in your wallet, one is asset. You will be able to see your ccna another one is collection in your collection. If there's anything, it means that you made it to the top 30 %. And you will be able to see the specifics of the badge.
谢谢你迈克。对于这个答案,我相信我们的社区会很高兴听到这个。所以我们有一个更具体的问题。我要这个。在我们的电报聊天中,有人问交换世界的具体逻辑是什么?空投徽章。因此,要查看您的 Word 空投徽章,只需打开您的 L 钱包并确保您已打开。事实上,在 AS Crayons 钱包里,你的钱包里有两个水龙头,一个是 Asset。您将能够在您的收藏中看到您的 CCNA 另一个是收藏。如果有什么的话,那就意味着你进入了前 30%。您将能够看到徽章的详细信息。
For example, I can see here. I have a batch of origins and with the look and the description and the property that it symbolizes, for example, the benefit of the badge of origins would be free trial to or products. And so in terms of exchanging badges, you simply go in our group chat and starting as start to ask around whether someone would be interested in selling their badge of origins or badge of mastery to you. You guys can transfer your badges via the l wallet. Once you collect all five, we will be able to know because we have that data in your backend. I hope this answers your question. Is there anybody else with the question in our twitter space that wants to ask the question live?
例如,我可以看到这里。我有一批 Origins,它象征着外观、描述和属性,例如,Origins 徽章的好处是免费试用或产品。因此,在交换徽章方面,您只需加入我们的群聊,并开始询问周围是否有人有兴趣向您出售他们的起源徽章或精通徽章。你们可以通过 L 钱包转移你们的徽章。一旦你收集了所有五个,我们将能够知道,因为我们在你的后端有这些数据。我希望这回答了你的问题。在我们的 Twitter 空间里,有没有其他人想要现场提问这个问题?
说话人 3 52:23
Also, while you all are thinking about your questions, I just wanted to thank you all for showing your support for joining this ama I believe this is the largest ama we've had so far by far 269 or chickens. I think this is something for us all to be proud of. Please do give me a follow you will be able to see and also ask dm if you have questions, your answers and solutions in real time.
另外,当你们都在思考你们的问题时,我只是想感谢你们所有人对加入这个 AMA 的支持。我相信这是迄今为止我们拥有的最大的 AMA。我认为这是我们所有人都值得骄傲的事情。如果你有问题,你的答案和解决方案是实时的,请给我一个跟随你将能够看到并询问 DM。
So I want to make sure that I start utilizing my twitter to just sheer all things ought and some of the research that i've been doing with the community just to establish confidence in what we are building.
所以我想确保我开始利用我的 Twitter 来做所有应该做的事情,以及我一直在与社区一起做的一些研究,只是为了建立对我们正在建设的东西的信心。
Because as a team, we're pretty confident about what we are able to deliver. Doctor lee's currently in japan, he's working on more potentials. There. I know he secured some real strong partners as well. And things have been going very well. So we're really excited. I'm glad that you all did join. And hopefully I was able to answer any of your concerns and challenges and quell those for you. Because really, to be honest, we're just working very hard on our end to bring the most valuable product to market. Ii think you all will see that shortly.
So please, we've got 7 minutes left. I'm here for more questions. Feel free to follow dm me. I'll answer those questions as well. Or you can reach out in the community chats or on our social medias. Julia is here as well. Our team is very active. If not proactive in making sure that we get your answer, your questions answered.
所以拜托,我们还有 7 分钟。我是来问更多问题的。请随时关注我的 DM。我也会回答这些问题。或者你可以在社区聊天或我们的社交媒体上联系我们。朱莉娅也在这里。我们的团队非常活跃。如果没有积极主动地确保我们得到您的答案,您的问题得到解答。
说话人 2 54:48
We have one last question from the communities. Someone wants to know what happened with thou.
说话人 3 55:01
Could you repeat that? Julia, you went up? Sorry, my apologies.
说话人 2 55:07
Our community members is asking what happened with dale? What are the progresses on this front?
说话人 3 55:14
Wonderful. So that partnership is ai it's solid, it's moving forward. There is a third party provider of on their end that is experiencing a glitch. It's not del, it's not us. It's a third party. And they're fixing this backend bug, and it's taken much longer than we expected.
So I think most importantly, the question now is, what did we learn from this? It's one no need to share the names of our partners until that partnership actually goes officially live. So we've learned that it did create a challenging atmosphere for us in our community. We don't want to ever lose credibility by sharing these partners in the names, and then it be delayed this long. However, the beauty is, we're very happy that we do have the partnership that things are moving along. We're in constant discussion with del, their team, just making sure that we can get this out as soon as possible.
Once again, they remind us that it's not them. It's a third party that they're relying on, and they still haven't fixed this bug issue, which it's a part of the experience when you're working with a megalithic company like dell. And we're just very happy with what this partnership means for us and for them. Because this is gonna get us 10 million plus users. I should say 10 million potential users. And the revenue here is going to be a 100 %. So I think that's exciting. And that's one of the reasons why we can't wait for this to kick off. Because that is also gonna help in the value of the token, the project, just aa bit of the confidence for the community.
他们再一次提醒我们不是他们。这是他们所依赖的第三方,他们仍然没有解决这个错误问题,当你与像戴尔这样的巨石公司合作时,这是体验的一部分。我们对这种合作关系对我们和他们的意义感到非常高兴。因为这将为我们带来超过 1000 万的用户。我应该说有 1000 万潜在用户。这里的收入将是 100%。所以我认为这很令人兴奋。这就是为什么我们不能等待它开球的原因之一。因为这也将有助于代币的价值,项目,只是社区的一点信心。
说话人 2 58:08
One last question, since the adult partnership is kind of out there in our community, now, they want to know how exactly are we working with that? Or is that something that's confidential for the moment?
说话人 3 58:23
Iii can share generalities, however, like I just shared for. So we're gonna be providing our dss service to a little over 10 million potential users in their loyalty program. And this is going to be very interesting potential, because the revenue that would be generated is going to all come back to ort.
然而,我可以分享一般性的东西,就像我刚刚分享的那样。因此,我们将为其忠诚度计划中的 1000 多万潜在用户提供 DSS 服务。这将是非常有趣的潜力,因为将产生的收入都将回到 ORT。
So I think at this moment, what we discuss internally is a lot of web three projects are on market. However, many of them, or excuse me, in the market, but many of them are not generating revenue. So our goal out the gate was to establish partnerships, made us revenue positive, and added real v
本文2023-06-30 17:33:00发表“解码web3”栏目。
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